Introducing the Geo Bookstore

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

It's not always easy to find good information on geothermal. The internet is filled with well internet quality material. Some of it is good, some of it is bad... some of it is down right awful. At GeoConnections we are trying to provide a reliable resource for quality information that we have found throughout our years. So we made the Geo Bookstore.

A lot of the papers and books you'll find in our new bookstore were generated by us or they are IGSHPA texts. We are collecting printable and printed materials from as many reliable resources as we can find (and get permission to distribute). Whenever possible we give the information to you for free. You won't have to give us your family history or your first born to get access either, when you hit download, it will.

Our goal with the Geo Bookstore is to make finding good information about geothermal easy to access. If you have a resource that you think we need to add to our list, let us know about it. We can only read so much in a day so getting your help in finding quality materials would be much appreciated.