Experienced geothermal contractors know the importance of building value with their prospective customers. While that value can be demonstrated in many ways, contractors should not overlook the importance of using geothermal design software to help them win the job. When you sell geothermal comfort systems, you need to show your prospects that they can make a seamless transition to the new system and that its higher cost will pay off in the long run.
Geothermal design software can do just that. Homeowners considering a geothermal system to replace an aging HVAC system want it to be easy. Your prospective customers know just enough about the technology to expect a higher level of “engineering” than in a standard HVAC system. They need confirmation that you designed and sized the job correctly without overcharging.
Using geothermal design software can demonstrate to your customers that you’re the expert and that they can trust you to simplify their transition to geothermal heating and cooling. Here are three reasons why.
1 Using Geothermal Design Software Demonstrates and Confirms You Chose the Right Unit
“Old school” or “rules-of-thumb” sizing techniques commonly employed by those without geothermal design software are problematic.
Oversizing a geothermal unit is much more expensive than oversizing a gas furnace. Doing so could price you out of a job.
Undersizing the unit will require excessive backup heat, eliminating energy savings. Your customer doesn’t want the auxiliary heat activated when it’s 35 degrees outside. Sizing a smaller unit than competitors may get you the job, but the homeowner won’t be satisfied with the purchase if energy savings are lacking. That might cost you a referral.
2Using Geothermal Design Software Demonstrates and Confirms You Sized the Loop Correctly
Rules-of-thumb don’t work for sizing loops, either.
Overestimating the loop size raises the price for the homeowner while underestimating it may cause excessive loop temperatures, reducing capacity and efficiency. Excessive loop temperatures may cause unit lock-outs and require emergency heat in the winter, or failure to cool during the summer.
Many geothermal dealers rely on loop contractors to size and build the loop. This can be risky. Even if you sub-contract the loop installation, use geothermal design software for sizing the unit and the loopfield. At the end of the day, it is the HVAC installer not the loop contractor holding the bag if a system fails.
3 Using Geothermal Design Software Demonstrates and Confirms Long Term Value
Homeowners invest in a geothermal system to save money on their utility bills. Geothermal design software demonstrates that savings with head-to-head comparisons of various options for that customer’s home. With local fuel rates and estimated efficiencies, geothermal software will be make running simple payback and 30-year saving analysis quick and easy.